Equipamiento esencial para principiantes en artes marciales: todo lo que necesitas saber!

Essential equipment for martial arts beginners: everything you need to know!

Are you new to martial arts and still don't know exactly what protective equipment you need?
Martial arts are intense, challenging and, if you don't protect yourself properly, dangerous. That's why we've put together a definitive list for you, with the essential pieces of equipment you need for a good and safe start.

Equipment you should buy yourself:

  • Mouthguard: A mouthguard is typically made of a moldable plastic that can conform to the shape of your teeth to protect your teeth and jaw during training or competitions. It helps prevent injuries to the mouth and jaw caused by blows or impacts and may also help prevent concussions . Mouthguards are available in various designs, from pre-made to customizable models, to ensure optimal protection.

  • Earguards: Earguards are designed to wrap and cushion the ears to minimize the risk of hearing injuries such as cauliflower ear . They are important to avoid long-term damage to the ears and protect against bumps or impacts to the ears. They are available in different styles and should fit comfortably to ensure optimal fit and protection. Wearing earguards can help protect your ears from injury and increase safety during martial arts activities.
  • Gloves: Martial arts gloves offer protection for hands and wrists during boxing, sparring or partner exercises. They usually have padding on the knuckles and palms to absorb the force of impact and prevent injuries to the hands and fingers. There are gloves of different styles depending on the type of training and martial art, from boxing gloves to MMA gloves.


Equipment that, for the moment, you can also borrow at your training center:

  • Protective helmet: In some martial arts, the use of a protective helmet is recommended to protect the head from blows or collisions during combats or competitions . Protective helmets are padded and offer head and face protection against injury. They are especially important in sparring sessions, where head impacts may occur, to minimize potential head injuries.
  • Chest protector: The chest protector is used to protect the upper part of the chest and abdominal area from blows or impacts. The chest protector is padded and provides protection to sensitive areas of the upper body during striking techniques or strikes. It helps prevent possible injuries and bruises in the chest area and provides additional safety during training or competitions.
  • Shin Guards: Shin guards are padded protectors worn around the shin and ankle to protect these areas during training or combat. They provide cushioning and impact resistance during kicking techniques, punching drills or blocking techniques , and help prevent injuries to the shin area. Shin guards vary in length and design to provide customized protection.

Of course, you can also buy everything yourself from the beginning, which will clearly be more hygienic and safer , since only you will use this equipment and you will know how much it has already suffered, but it is also much more expensive.
To start , however, it is advisable to purchase a mouthguard, earguards, and a pair of gloves that are used only by you.

Especially in the case of protective equipment, it is important to ensure its quality and fit , as well as to care for it and check it regularly.

At Tenace , we offer you high-quality items in various sizes, colors and models so you can train without worries and without spending a fortune.
Here are some of our products:

Primus Earguard Tenace MMA Gloves

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