Evita las orejas de coliflor!

Avoid cauliflower ears!

Cauliflower ears are a fairly common condition among practitioners of contact sports, in MMA, boxing, wrestling and jiu-jitsu, among others.

  • What exactly are they?
It is the accumulation of blood between the cartilage and the skin, and occurs due to the constant repetition of blows, grips and friction during training and competitions, thus damaging the blood vessels in the ear. If not treated in time, this hematoma can clot and scar, deforming the cartilage and giving it a cauliflower-like appearance.
  • What are the symptoms?

- Pain and sensitivity in the ear.
- Swelling and redness.
- Appearance of a hematoma.
- Deformation of the ear over time if untreated.

  • How to prevent?

The best option is to wear protective equipment, such as ear muffs, this will help minimize the risk of injury to the ear. If symptoms occur, you should quickly attend to any trauma to the ear to drain the hematoma and reduce inflammation, preventing the formation of cauliflower ears.

  • What to do if you have cauliflower ears?

1. Drainage of the Hematoma: It is the first critical step. A medical professional can drain the hematoma to prevent blood from clotting and causing deformities.
2. Compression: After drainage, a compression bandage is applied to prevent the hematoma from forming again.
3. Surgery: In more severe or chronic cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the deformity and repair damaged cartilage.

If not treated properly, cauliflower ears can lead to permanent deformities. It is crucial that athletes in these contact sports pay attention to injuries to their ears and seek medical treatment immediately.

Cauliflower ears show you the rigors of training and competing in contact sports. However, with proper preventative measures and timely treatment, the risk of developing this condition can be minimized. If you practice MMA or another similar sport, protect your ears, one of the options is the Tenace earguards.

Protect your ears with Tenace
At Tenace, we understand the importance of keeping you safe on the mat without sacrificing your performance. That's why we offer ear muffs designed specifically for grappling and BJJ. Made from durable and comfortable materials, our earguards give you the support you need for every training session and competition.

🌐 Visit us on our website to explore our complete collection: www.tenacesports.com.
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